Monday, May 24, 2010

Finally I remembered & had the time to blog. :X I'm getting more & more used to school life in poly & the days are getting more & more hectic too. We had to revise at home everyday & that made me so busy. Some quizzes were taken back & I passed all of them ! :D I managed to score a 17.5/25 for MathsStat & I'm quite happy about it as MathsStat is actually Amaths. ^^ I need to work harder for SFP & HAP since I didn't really do well although I passed. OBC & PIPC1 will be given back this week & I hope I'll do well. The quizzes were just over & Term Tests are coming next week already ! That's really fast & I'm going to get busier again. Went to Batam in Indonesia yesterday & the day before with my family members for a short holiday. The place wasn't really nice for a holiday & all we did was walk around & shopping. I think I still preferred going to HapJai in Thailand for a holiday. :P JinYee went to Show Luo Zhi Xiang's handshaking session, Singapore Concert & Signing Session for the past few days & really envied her as she was able to see her idol, watch his concert, get his signature & even shake hands with him. So I was wondering when I can get to watch SNSD's concert & get all their signatures, especially SeoHyun's. xD That's all for this post. Will blog again when I'm free.
* my dreams_
4:23 AM