Saturday, April 24, 2010
School in poly has started for a week & I think I've gotten used to poly life ? LOL. My class is very fun & all my classmates are very friendly too. We only need to attend lectures for the first week & they were not so boring as I thought it would be. :P First lesson on the first day was Communication Skills for Applied Science 2 (CSAS2) tutorial & I thought I would be feeling very sleepy during the lesson. But I was all perked up & didn't even felt sleepy at all since the lesson was interesting & the tutor was a very nice lady. :D We need to attend tutorial sessions for CSAS2 as it only has tutorials but no lectures. I'm quite interested in Organic & Biological Chemistry (OBC) as its mostly chemistry, which is the subject that I like. ^^ Principals of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry 1 (PIPC1), Science in Food Preparations (SFP), Human Anatomy & Physiology (HAP) and Maths & Statistics 1 (MathStat1) were quite okie. Everyone in the lecture theatre kept laughing during HAP lecture as the lecturer showed us a few drawn naked bodies of human that was printed in the textbook. He said that we should always come for HAP lessons with a pure mind & not with dirty minds. HAHA ! I think HAP lessons is going to be fun. xD Anyways, Tutorials & Lab sessions will be starting next week & I think studying & homework load will be heavier. :P Oh oh, I finally gotten my laptop too !! Yipee ! ^^ So that's all for this post. Will blog again when I'm free, which I think will be on weekends only. :D
* my dreams_
10:53 PM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hihi !! :D Came back from chalet last Friday & finally decided to blog now. Was kind of lazy to blog actually. :X
Day 1:
Put our bags at LJM's house & headed to E!Hub for lunch before buying the necessities for chalet at FairPrice. Went back to LJM's house after getting the things as it was still early & left to meet TingHui, Elaine & Daniel at the stand beside the entrance of Costa Sands Downtown East around 1 hour later. Suzie & Jessileen did not meet us as Suzie would be late & she had already planned to meet Jessileen first. We thought that we had waited for the right shuttle bus but sadly, we waited at the wrong location & had to walk into Aloha Loyang, carrying a lot of things under the scorching sun. -.- We finally reached & had to wait for AikWei to get the keys to open the door. Waited for a long time & all of us were getting impatient. Jessileen actually climbed into the chalet to open the door as the "wall" was not very tall & Suzie kept saying that she barged into a private mansion. LOL. :D Went into the chalet to put our things & when we wanted to settle down, AikWei sms-ed to tell us to come out as we were not allowed to go into the chalet without the keys. So we had to go out to wait for him again but this time, we were all empty handed. :P After a while, Daniel quarrelled with Stella & AikWei due to insufficient space to sleep & demanded refund from AikWei. -.- All of us left the chalet as LJM needs to go home for a while & Elaine wanted to go home to get her swim suit. I accompanied LJM while Stella, AikWei & TingHui went along with Elaine & Suzie, Jessileen & Brian went to take a stroll at E!Hub. Daniel went home after AikWei refunded him the money. LJM & me went to E!Hub FairPrice to meet Suzie, Jessileen & Brian & we bought maggie noodles for dinner. :D Jessileen cooked dinner for all of us & while waiting for her to cook, we played mahjong & watched television. TingHui learnt to play mahjong too. Hohoho .. xP Watched "The Eye 10" after dinner while Stella & Elaine went to chat in the room. The show made TingHui & I freaked out that both of us cried. Hehe. Stella & Elaine spent around 15 minutes to half an hour to calm us down & we waited for each other to bath in Elaine & Tinghui's room. I forgot what we did after bathing. :X Stella, Aikwei, Jessileen & me went to sleep at around 3+ while the rest went to LJM's room to continue playing mahjong.
Day 2:
Woke up at 7+ & Stella went to buy breakfast for all of us with AikWei & Elaine. After breakfast, I went swimming with LJM, Stella, AikWei & Elaine. Swam for around half an hour & we headed back to the chalet. Suzie, Jessileen & Brian went to KBox at 1+ & the remaining 6 of us stayed in the chalet to eat maggie noodles (again :P) for lunch. Went to LJM's room to play mahjong until 5+ & went to start the fire. Prepared the food for BBQ-ing & meanwhile, Elaine went to fetch YiZhen into the chalet. The BBQ started at only 7+ as the charcoal wasn't really that good & it took a long time for it to become very hot. Didn't eat much as I was busy BBQ-ing & we stopped at around 9. YiZhen went home at 9+ & we went to bath after clearing up. We all gathered in Stella's room after bathing & gossiped for quite a while. ^^ We all then went to sleep after chatting until around 12.45.
Day 3:
Woke up at 8+ & went to heat up the leftovers for breakfast using the microwave oven that was provided in the chalet. (the microwave oven was very useful for us ! :X) We sat at the dining table & it felt like one whole family eating breakfast together. :D Brought our bags out to the living room after packing & we played Indian BlackJack. The game was quite fun & we kept making AikWei lose. Stella also took some pictures of us playing the game. :D We then left to wait for the shuttle bus that sent us to WhiteSands after the person working in Aloha Loyang came to check the chalet. LJM, Aikwei, Suzie & Brian went home first while Stella, TingHui, Elaine & me went to the library as Stella needs to get books on occupation for her mother. We then went to Elaine's house to wait for AikWei, LJM & Brian to finish what they had to do & we went to Elias Mall Mcdonalds for lunch. After that we headed to LJM's house & most of us ended up falling asleep there. :X They left at around 4 & I stayed there for dinner.
Overall, the chalet was quite fun as compared to last year as there were more people. AikWei & Suzie are addicted to chalet & the both of them are planning for the next one already. Will be putting up the pictures taken during chalet on FaceBook soon. Hahas. Anyways, I'm going to say that time really flies again. :X Poly will be starting next week & I can say that I'm not really looking forward to it as I'm still in holiday mood, I guess. xD So that's all for this post. Need to go to sleep already as I'm having orientation tomorrow. ^^
* my dreams_
9:01 PM