Sunday, March 28, 2010
Went to 4E3'09 FaceBook just now & viewed the photos taken yesterday during the class BBQ. Saw that most of them were laughing & enjoying themselves very much. So I felt a little regretful for not going at first as I really missed 4E3'09 a lot. xD But .. when I saw one of the photos, my mind changed. Lucky I didn't go as I think that there would be more troubles. So .. I guess I made the right decision ? LOLs ~
* my dreams_
7:46 AM
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hihi .. I'm here to blog again. (: Went back to sec school to visit CO yesterday. Stella & me were stucked at the security post as we were wearing slippers & the security guard wanted to speak to Mr Chiang. So I had to call Mr Chiang & let him talk to the security guard before we were allowed into the school. LOL. Wanted to go to Learning Centre but we heard the sound of GuZheng inside & so we headed to the classrooms on the 4th storey instead. Found them at 4E3 classroom & they were preparing for orchestra practice. The first thing I heard when I stepped into the classroom was WeiYi saying "who are you ?" in Chinese. Zzz. So I answered back in Chinese "you all don't know who I am, I'm a stranger." :P Mr Khoo came a while later & they started practicing. Sat at the back of the classroom & listened to them playing the songs. Realised that quite a handful were sharing their scores & the worst thing was, none of the Suona players had the score to any of the songs they were going to practice. The file to put all their scores went missing. Zzz. Their tempo was out for a little & the song was quite messy. After that Stella & me joined them for practicing as well. I didn't play the bamboo flute for a long time & my "qi" wasn't as good as in the past anymore. But I could still play high notes. :D Chatted with Issac & heard about some problems in the WoodWind section. After the practice was the Leadership Training & only selected students were involved. So Stella & me also went to join in the training. xD They played concentration at the end of the presentation & because there were more then 10 people & saying numbers would be a little out of tempo, they switched to saying alphabets. Haha. Had a lot of laughter & they were released after Mr Chiang's briefing. Went to the General Office to collect our 'O' Level Certificate + Testimonial before heading home.
After visiting CO & observing them yesterday, all I can say was .. disappointed ? All of them were talking between themselves (even louder than before) & some of them were like living in their own world, continuing to play their instruments despite the conductor trying to speak to them or even start practicing. When they don't have scores for any particular song, they wouldn't even take the initiative to ask for it from the logistics in charge. Being the former Vice Chairman & WoodWind Section leader, I just felt so useless to be unable to stop all these problems, especially for the WoodWind section. Anyways, scolding them or telling them what they did was wrong doesn't have any effects on them at all. LOL. Will be going back again this coming Tuesday with Stella. Hopefully I can help to solve the problems in WoodWind section. :D So that's all for this post. Blogging again next time. ^^
* my dreams_
7:14 AM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Went to Bugis with YiZhen, Stella & Stella's third sister for shopping yesterday. We wanted to shop at Bugis Street first but most of the shops were not opened yet & so we headed back to Bugis Junction. We walked around & stayed at the shoes section for quite a long time as Stella's third sister wanted to get a pair of black pumps for her interview which requires her to dress formally. After walking for rounds & rounds, she finally saw a few that she wanted. :P She didn't buy first as we wanted to continue shopping & so she decided to buy after we were done with it. So we went up to the 2nd storey & looked around at the ladies wear department. Stella's third sister picked a grey halter necked dress & another white dress & insisted that Stella should try them on. LOLs. The grey halter necked dress looked nice on Stella but she said it was too revealing. Haha. Then we continued walking & I saw the same top that I've seen at Tampines Mall Isetan last week. I was hesitating to try it on until Stella & her third sister said that they always tried on clothes for fun. So I also went on to try the top. :X I looked quite nice in it & was considering to buy or not in the fitting room. xD Took out the price tag & saw that the price was $39.90. Isn't it too expensive for jus a top ? LOL. So I put back the top & continued our shopping for 1 hour until YiZhen & I started to feel hungry. Wanted to eat at Mcdonalds since its the cheapest food but it will surely be packed & we decided to eat at Pasir Ris. :X So we went back to the first storey to get the shoes but either no size was left or the one being displayed was the last pair. Zzz. We then went to take the train & alighted at Bedok instead to look for shoes. Looked into 2 shops & Stella's third sister finally bought a pair that she liked & her size was available too. Then it was Stella's turn to search high & low for a pair of suitable sport shoes. xP Walked to the last shop & Stella finally found her pair of sports shoes too. :D By the time the shoes were bought, it was already 2 & yiZhen & I were starving. I suggested buying Maggie noodles to cook at my house for lunch & so we went to FairPrice to get one. While we were queueing, it suddenly rain very heavily & we were unable to get to my house. -.- Wanted to wait for the rain to become smaller but since YiZhen & I was starving, we decided to run in the rain & luckily Stella & her third sister had an umbrella each. :) By the time we reached home, we were all half drenched. When I stepped into my house, I realised that I did not close the windows before leaving for Bugis & the whole kitchen was flooded with rain water. Zzz. Stella & YiZhen helped me with the cleaning up & we finished cooking the noodles at around 3. -.- Thats the latest lunch I've taken. ^^ After washing up, Stella, Stella's third sister & I played monopoly while YiZhen used my desktop. Stella's third sister kept cursing herself & Stella to go to jail & Stella really went in the jail twice. xDD But she was so lucky to keep taking money from us. Stella's third sister also cursed that Stella would land on the property that she had built a hotel. Instead, I fell for the curse & it made all of us laugh like mad. :PP They then went home after packing up & we were still laughing while packing. :D Had loads of fun & laughter ~ ! So thats all for this post. Will post again next time. ^^
* my dreams_
6:36 AM
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Yesterday was LJM's birthday & we went to celebrate with YiZhen, Suzie, Jessileen, Brian, AikWei, Rachel & KahSeng. Stella was unable to join us as she had to settle her poly stuffs. ): Suzie, Jessileen & AikWei came up to LJM's house first & we then went to E!Hub to meet Brian, Rachel & KahSeng. After "discussing", we walked to White Sands & went to eat Sakae Sushi's lunch buffet. As each table could only occupy 6 people at most, we were required to split up. Rachel, KahSeng, YiZhen, LJM & me sat at one table while Jessileen, Suzie, Brian & AikWei sat at another table. We ordered quite a lot of food, especially Salmon Sashimi (3 plates with 5 pieces of salmon in each plate) although it belonged to the premium plate category & each of us could order one of any from the category. :P We had Strawberry Mochi Ice-cream (3 mochi-s for 1 serving) for dessert & its quite nice. ^^ Overall, the food was quite nice & we ate our fill, but the service was very slow -.- We then went to Brian's house after getting a cake for LJM as Brian needs to get his Nintendo DS & we can also take a look at his dogs. :D I didn't know that there were 2 dogs as he told me last time that Ginger (his maltese) was taken away to another place & only Queeny (his poodle) was around. :P When he opened the door, both rushed out of the house immediately & started jumping on all of us, even after entering the house. LOLs. :D Suzie almost sat on Queeny as it jumped onto the sofa & AikWei said that it doesn't want her to sit. LOL ! Jessileen's legs were full of light scratches as the 2 dogs were jumping onto us madly. :P They were so hyper that Brian had to yell at them & put them in his sister's room. Haha ! :DD Took some pictures & a video when we sang the birthday song for LJM with the birthday cake. The coffee-cheese cake was quite nice & it made us so full after eating only a piece. xD After that we went back to LJM's house & we actually wanted to play mahjong but due to time, we played poker cards instead. :D They left at 5+ & I stayed on to eat dinner with LJM's family. His mum came back at 6+ & we went E!hub (again -.-) for dinner at Buddy Hoagies (this is the spelling I think :X). The food was not bad & I like the mashed potato (the sauce was heavenly ! xD) although it was a little overcooked. (: We then went to browse the shirts sold outside FairPrice & I headed home after that. :D
As for today, we had our mahjong session in replacement for yesterday. ^^ Only Suzie, Brian & Aikwei came as Jessileen was not free & Rachel & KahSeng needs to go to KBox with their other friends. Today's mahjong game was not really that fun & all of us switched to watching TV instead. Haha. Don't know why the TV grabbed our attention suddenly rather than Mahjong. xD After watching for around 1 to 2 hours, they went off as Aikwei needs to hurry home while I stayed on for dinner. :D I've put up the pics taken during LJM's birthday celebration on Facebook so feel free to view it. (: So that's all for this post. Will blog again soon. ^^
* my dreams_
7:12 AM