Thursday, January 28, 2010
Yo ! I'm here to blog again. (: But I guess this will be a short post as I've done nothing much today. Went swimming with Sharry at Tampines Swimming Complex. We didn't really swim much as the weather was very sunny & we ended up chatting about some stuffs. LOLs. After that we went to eat our lunch at Tampines 1 & Sharry rushed off to somewhere else as she was running late. I was supposed to accompany Jennifer to TP for appealing after lunch but she was still working & told me that its tomorrow instead of today. I don't know if she told Sharry the wrong date or Sharry heard wrongly. :X Anyways, today is already the last day for appealing & I don't think she is appealing anymore. Hahas. :D Since I'm not meeting Jennifer anymore, I went to the pasar malam beside Bedok MRT station to get the wallet that Sharry wanted before heading home. I'm watching "The Spy Next Door" with LJM & maybe Stella & AikWei tomorrow. Can't wait ! :P So that's all for this post. Will blog again soon. :D 
* my dreams_
10:00 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hihi I'm here to blog again. (: TP !!! I'm happy that I'm posted to Temasek Polytechnic ! :DD As for the course, I've been posted to Applied Food Science & Nutririon. I'm a little disappointed as I was not able to get into either TP's Early Childhood Studies (ECS) or NP's Early Childhood Education (ECE). ): I didn't know that ECS's cut off point is 12 for JAE 2010 until yesterday (!!!). So its no wonder that I didnt get into the course. As for ECE, the cut off point is still 15 for JAE 2010 & I might still have chances of getting in. But in the end, I did not get into the course as well. ): At first I wanted to appeal for these 2 courses but thinking again, I'm already very lucky to be able to get into TP & into the course that was one of my choices. Others might be posted to the course &/or school that is not of their choice & the feeling would be really bad. So I should be contented that I'm able to get into TP. :P I'm also happy for some of my friends as they got into the school/course of their choice & for all those who went for appealing, I hope that their appeal would be a success. :D That's all for this post I guess. Will blog again next time. :D
* my dreams_
9:58 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010

Went to watch the movie "Jump" with Sharry, Jennifer, ChongSoo, KengGuan, HuaYu, JianMing & Nicholas today. At first ChongSoo & Nicholas doesn't want to watch it but we ended up watching the movie as the showing time was arriving soon & we haven't buy the tickets yet. Sharry, Jennifer & I bought a single combo set which consists of a drink, popcorn & a chicken burger. I shared the popcorn & drink with Jennifer while Sharry ate the chicken burger only as she was still a little sick. Lols. The beginning of the movie was a little weird as it started with the villagers singing mountain songs (I think) & we giggled for a little. :P The rest of the movie was still okie & some parts were also quite funny. I like the hip-hop dances in the movie & it made me changed my way of viewing this kind of dance. I didn't like hip-hop dance in the past & after watching this movie, somehow I felt that the dance can be very nice too. After the movie, I went to walk around Downtown East with Sharry & Jennifer & bought LJM's christmas gift (I owed him one for last year's christmas :X). Hope he likes it :D We then went to FairPrice to get sushi for YiZhen before I head to her house to wait for LJM to have dinner together. Overall, the movie was nice & the story was quite interesting. Its been a long time since I caught a movie before today & I hope to watch another one next month, if there are any nice movies. (: I guess I'll be stopping here. Will blog again next time. :D
* my dreams_
7:47 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hihi peeps ! I'm here to blog again. :D Went to work at Nautical Concept as an admin assistant on Tuesday but quitted on Friday -.- The job there was very easy as all I had to do was data entry & helped my supervisor with her work. However, the office was REALLY very far from Bedok. Its at Bukit Batok !!! I had to wake up at 6 everyday when work only starts at 9 as I had to take the MRT to Clementi & need to take another bus to reach the office. I felt that the company was a "rojak" company as the staffs are from different countries. :P Angela (Admin I.C cum my supervisor), ChuHui (operation I.C) & Melissa (Manager) are from Malaysia, Thinzar (I forgot what is her post) & Tin (warehouse I.C) are from Myanmar, Christine (Finance I.C) is from Indonesia, Sherry (I forgot what is her post too cum my supervisor also) is from China & lastly, the 2 bosses, Edison & Nancy, are from Singapore. Furthermore, all of them are only 20+ & the oldest is only 30+ (I guess) ! If its not because of the long journey, I wouldn't have quitted the job as the job was an easy one & all my colleagues are very friendly & nice to me. :D Anyways, since I've quitted the job, I don't intend to go job haunting again as I'm lazy & don't feel like working already. I want to stay at home to watch shows online. :X As for yesterday, Mr Calvin Lim treated the Science students to Swensens at Tampines Mall at 12noon & we chatted a lot during the meal. Most of us ordered baked rice & I was the only one who ordered soup only as I've just taken my breakfast an hour ago. So I'm not really hungry. I also shared a 2 scoops ice cream (Choco mint & rocky chocolate !) with Sharry while Clare also ordered a 2 scoops ice cream for herself & the rest shared an earthquake. Mr Lim & Weisiong left first while the rest of us ate fries after the ice cream. It made me felt very bloated after the meal. To me, the treat was like a gathering for the Science students & I felt that we had never seen each other for a really long time. LOL. Thanks Mr Lim for the treat ! (: I guess I'll stop here. Need to go out for dinner already. Will blog again next time. :D
Happy Family ! :D
* my dreams_
1:32 AM
Monday, January 11, 2010
Went back to school to take our results today. 18 points. Hmms .. I think that I'm quite satisfied with it although I did not meet my target, which was to score between 12 to 16 points. However, although I did quite well, I don't know why I still cried in the hall. When Miss Wee told me that I had done well, I was alright at first. But when she told me that I scored a B4 for my English, my tears started rolling out. When I went back to my seat, my tears were already running down like a running tap. I could not believe that I got that grade as I felt that I did not do well for my situational writing. So I guess I cried its because I'm too happy for my English result. :D As for the rest of my subjects, I don't have anything to comment about as its almost the same as my prelims. I'm just slightly disappointed in my Chinese & Emaths result as I did not managed to score an A for each of it. Anyways, I hope to get into the course I wanted as I've met the minimum entry requirements. :P I think I'll be stopping here. Will blog again next time. :D
Aren't they cute ? :P
* my dreams_
5:29 AM
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Finally we are going to get our 'O' Level results on this coming Monday. I can't really describe how I am feeling right now. Anxious ? Scared ? Nervous ? Lols. Went to work at Wang Cafe at Century Square last Monday & quitted the next day. -.- One reason for quitting is because the job is really tiring. My legs were already breaking & my back was hurting after the day's work. Imagine standing up for 6 hours without sitting down. Won't you feel that your legs are going to break any sooner ? :| Besides, we may need to work on weekends & even Chinese New Year. Another reason is that Subway White Sands called me to go for the job interview. The job at Subway should be less hectic & tiring than Wang Cafe I guess & I hope to start working there soon. Have been thinking about a lot of things lately & ended up making LJM upset & angry. I don't know why I have to do that to him almost once every 2 to 3 months. I really HATE it to be like this. Maybe its because I'm affected by the people around me. -.- I guess I'll stop here. Will be blogging ... next week about my results ? :D
I'm sorry ..
* my dreams_
9:47 PM