Monday, October 19, 2009
We've gotten back our prelim results & I'm quite satisfied with my L1R4. Mr Azam read out the 11 pointers & to my surprise, he read out my name too. At first I couldn't believe that he really read out my name as I calculated myself that my L1R4 would be around 16 points. When I got back my report slip, I then believed that I scored 11 points. Lols. It should be 15 points to be actual as the school replaced our CCA point with the subject that had the worse score. Since my worse score is a C5, my CCA point, which is an A1, replaced it & my L1R4 became 11. However, if the school did not replace our CCA point, my L1R4 should be 16 instead of 15. I didn't know that I scored a C5 for humanities instead of a C6. If it is a C6, I would have scored 16 points. :D Anyways, it doesn't matter now since its not related to the 'O' Levels. Speaking of 'O' Levels, its getting REALLY near, only a few days away ! So why am I still blogging then ? ROFL. I need a break from revising, so I decided to blog for a while. :X I hope I will do well for the 'O' Levels & even if I dropped (touchwood :X), it wouldn't drop too badly. :P Thats all for this post I guess. I should go back to my revising. (: will blog again after the 'O' Levels. Good luck to all my friends who are taking 'O' Levels ! :D
* my dreams_
4:03 AM