Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thank you very very much to all those who wished me happy birthday !
Melissa, Sharry, Weisiong, Stella, Tinghui - thanks for the birthday presents ! Much appreciated ! :D
Jianming - thanks for the "super" birthday whack early in the morning ! [it sure is painful :P] LJM - thanks for your birthday wish. so sorry that you rushed to siglap to meet me for nothing. ily. (:
Pear - thanks for your birthday wish ! Its alright that you don't need to get me a present. :D I also didnt get you one. :X
Kwang - thanks for your birthday wish too ! Its also alright that you don't get me a present since you are busy. (:
To the rest who wished me - thanks alot too !! :D

* my dreams_
6:55 AM
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Since I'm bored, so I've decided to blog. (: I have been sick from last Thursday with fever & I've got MC until tomorrow, which is like almost a week. :P From last Thursday until Sunday, I was sleeping like a log almost every 4hrs due to my medicine -.- My mum disallowed me to do my homework & wanted me to rest only. Zzz. There is so many homework waiting for me to be done & she wanted me to do none. Rofl .. As for yesterday & today, my fever has subsided & I'm left with cough & so, i managed to finish my homework except for A Maths. -.- Until today, I've missed so many lessons in school & A Maths & E Maths practice exams Zzz. Lucky its just practice exams & not prelims. Or not its going to be very troublesome. Lols. Finally I can get to go back to school on Thursday as I'm getting bored at home. :D I think I'll stop here. Will blog again soon. :)
* my dreams_
12:14 AM