Tuesday, June 30, 2009
School had just started yesterday & it was like so boring. :X We finally got to assemble in the classroom due to the H1N1 virus & so we were not allowed to assemble in the quadrangle. :D We received our new timetable & it seriously is "very well planned". LOL. Most of the subjects had 3 periods & Mother Tongue lesson was reduced. The timetable somehow made me feel that we are having intensive study for all subjects except for Mother Tongue, rather than normal lessons. (O.o) As for today, we had 5 periods of Physics/Biology lesson & 3 periods of Humanities for the day.(!!) Everyone seemed to be half dead after the 5 periods of Physics/Biology. I wonder how are we going to survive for tomorrow's Chemistry lesson, which has 6 periods !! Will everyone be like a dead log after that ? :P During the 3rd & 4th week of the school holidays, I have been watching Boys Over Flowers (korean) everyday. The show is so nice that I'm addicted to it. :X I'm sort of like rushing to finish watching the show so that I will be able to concentrate when school reopens. So now, I've finished watching the show & it really is fantastic, although the ending seemed to be abit of a disappoinment. :D Anyways, I think I will be watching the show again after 'O' Levels, I guess. I think I'll stop here. Will blog again maybe during the next month. :D* my dreams_
4:16 AM
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Went for CO bbq yesterday & it was very very fun, but tiring :P While waiting for the fire to start, Stella & me was playing psp while Sharry played my ds. After the fire had started, almost all of us went to crowd around the bbq pit, even Mr Chiang, to "snatch" a place to bbq the food, except for me, Isaac, Stella & Yeeling. O.o Stella went for a ride on the bicycle with Esther while I chatted with Issac over some matters in CO. As for Yeeling, I have forgotten what she was doing that time. :X Stella & me did not eat much as we were busy "teaching" Isaac to become a "bad boy" in order to "digest" Clarence's insults. But Isaac simply refused to learn them. Lols. :D While "teaching", Stella keep talking off topic as she would relate what she said to other things like Enterprise Club, which made all of us laugh like hell. While everyone was busy bbq-ing, Jennifer, Adelene & Huimin went MIA for a while to get Mr Chiang's birthday cake. After they came back, we all sang a birthday song for him & he was quite surprised as he was not aware of it. Jennifer & Adelene started the "whipped cream war" (I guess :X) & managed to put some on Mr Chiang's face, but ended up getting chased by him. The rest of us were busy laughing at them. Rofl. Everyone then follow suit & started putting cream on each other's body. At first I did not get any cream on my body until Jennifer, Adelene & Issac did so. Lols. Then out of a sudden, Chengyin came charging at me with the cream on her hands & I was so freaked out that I screamed & kept pulling Isaac, thinking that he could shield me. -.- But I still have to run & I could hear Sharry telling me " hurry & run jiajin ! Chengyin is coming after you !". But Chengyin did not managed to put the cream on me as Mr Chiang told us to stop playing already. Phew. Lucky he stopped us in time. :P It was getting late & I decided to go home. I walked to Downtown East with Stella, Yizhen, Sharry, Janice, Isaac & Melvin, & took a cab home. Hmms. i tink i'll stop here. :D Will blog again some time later. Oh yes, almost forgotten, Happy birthday Mr Chiang ! Remember to stay happy always & don't get too stressed up ! :D
* my dreams_
7:20 AM