Wednesday, May 13, 2009
At last the mid-year exams are over ! Finally we can get to relax, but not for much, as 'O' Levels are not over yet. If we are going to slacken down just because the mid-year exams are over, Miss Wee will sure to be nagging at us again. :D Today's Science Practical is still alright, but I think I'm going to do badly for my chemistry practical. I just wrote zinc instead of zinc carbonate since carbon dioxide gas was given out, for the first QA, & instead of writing AMMONIUM sulfate, i wrote AMMONIA sulfate. How careless can I be ? T.T I bet I'm going to get a good scolding from Miss Wee & its going to pull down my marks for combined science. As for the biology practical, the experiment was okie but there were so many 'why' questions. Anyways, we are going to get back most of our papers tomorrow since normal lessons have resumed. Hopefully I won't do as badly as my common test 1. It seriously was bad, especially my sciences & humanities. :X Since the mid-year exams are over, CO should be resuming soon & I'm going to miss it, I guess. The committee members came back to label & tune the "new" instruments today & when i heard the sound of the erhus, i was so tempted to go & take a look at how they are doing. I went to the learning centre, thinking that all of them were inside, but Bryan Mok was the only person there. What a disappointment. -.- I wonder who will takeover to play my dizi after i leave the school. The new juniors maybe ? Rofl. :D Oh oh, I've just changed my blogskin a few days ago. Aren't the dogs cute ? I like the one with the earpiece on its ears. It looks like its enjoying the music very much. xD Hmms, I don't think i have anymore to blog about, so I'll stop here. Will blog again maybe a few week or maybe months later. :P
* my dreams_
4:26 AM