Friday, October 17, 2008
the exams are finally over and we've gotten back our results. as usual, i failed 3 subjects : Add maths, chemistry and biology. haiz. ): both my sciences are my weakest subjects. but too bad i cant drop these two subjects cos the sch doesnt offer to teach combined bio/chem. Zzz. y mus dey cancel it this yr or mayb last yr ... ? during dear's badge tat time sch still gt offer lor. Zzz like tis wad will happen to those hu r weak in both pure chemistry and biology ? and also happened to b weak in add maths too ? tell dem to drop add maths and cling on to pure sciences ? well, tats jus hw i felt bout it. -.- anyways, since i cant drop my pure sciences, i will have to drop add maths and cling onto pure chem and bio. nvm, lets take things more positively. :P if i drop add maths, i'll b able to concentrate more on my sciences. den i'll b able to pass both of the subjects. hehe. (: as for CO, everytink was fine so far. nw the exams r over, practice had resumed and its time for the committee members to start preparing for the camp. need to hold a few meetings alrdy. haiz, sure to hav conflicts sumhw or so and i will b thinking things negatively again. ): but i hope everytink will turn out fine wen the day of the camp arrives. (: hmms. y r ppl so weird nwadays ? even those hu r close to mie except for dear r weird. dey jus refused to tell mie anytink i asked bout dem and r always toking within a ear's distance. all these always left mie wondering : " wads going on ? " i feel tat im being left out and sumtimes i wonder if im still their friend. Zzz. ): i toked to dear bout tis and he also tinks tat dey like dun treat mie as their friend. but mayb im jus thinking too much or sumtink. anyways, i really am thinking alot for these few weeks, NEGATIVELY. =X hmms. i tink i'll stop here. will blog again mayb nex mnth or so, cos i'll b lazy to blog. hehe. :D Dear, thank u for being dere for mie and bringing mie out of the negative thinking world. i really think too much alrdy. hehe. i promise i wont cry so easily again. i will always smile(: i love you ! >*<* my dreams_
11:58 PM