Wednesday, June 18, 2008
guess it will b a short post for todae. but dere will b neoprints and pics posted ! LOLs. went to watch kungfu panda last sat wif one big bunch of peeps : jess, suzie, rachel, egg, stella, sharry, tinghui & dear. the cinema at ehub was veri nicely decorated wif red stripy lights at the sides. bsides tis the movie was also veri nice. hahas. laughed a lot at the panda named " Po " as he doesnt noe kungfu but is a big fan of the 5 kungfu warriors or sumtink ( i forgotten wads the team's name. =X ) and wished to learn kungfu. he was veri afraid of the " wuxi fingerhole " ( i forgotten tat as well xDD) that his master had but figured it out by himself in the end, although his master didnt taught him. ROFL :D went to take neoprints twice after having our lunch at KFC. once wif dear and the rest, the 2nd one wif stella, sharry and tinghui. jess went hm first, so didnt took the neoprints wif us. ): after tat suzie, stella, egg, dear and mie went to pasir ris town park to play the swings, den headed home as it was quite late alrdy. will blog again soon(: ily dear !! >*<

wheehees ~ ! x)

cheese & twist !! xD

dear ! smile ! :D

one row of " sotongs " xP

" sotongs " taken frm a different angle (:

snappie ! xD

wad r u guys looking at ? :P

cheers ~ !

nani ?!?! did i see each of our twins ?! xP

ahh ~ stella has fallen dwn !!

smiley ~ !

oopsie ~ 3/4 of tinghui's face was blocked :P

always fwens ~!

seniors + juniors = fwenzas ~ ! :P * my dreams_
11:41 PM
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
went to ehub yst wif sharry, tinghui and stella for bowling. at first i tot we wont get to play as the bowling centre was packed wif ppl. but in the end we still get to play. hahas. :D we played for one game and each of us gt 10 rnds. tinghui threw the ball dwn instead of rolling it and that made us laugh at the way she played. LOLs. sharry , stella & mie kept rolling the ball into the drain and didnt really hit the pins much. at first tinghui was leading. but after the whole game was over, i turned out the b the one scoring the highest. LOL ? mayb im jus lucky tat time. after tat we went up to arcade. at first we were thinking of eating lunch first. but since we were at the arcade, we might as well play dere first. b4 playing bowling, tinghui and sharry went to the arcade and managed to get a toy tortise wif jus $1 for the first try. so lucky sia. so i decided to try my luck but cldnt get any tortise. Zzz. dere goes my $8. den we went to play other games all tat and went to superdog for lunch. the chicken burger was nt nice and the chicken was so hard plus burnt. -.-'''. nt tat worth it actually to spend $4.50 on tis plus a drink. the drink was iced chocolate and it was nt bad. i quite liked it. :P we actually wanted to go to prp. but since its raining , so we decided to go to century square to take neoprints. the funni thing is tat all the neoprint shops in tmapines were closed dwn for renovation. nani ?! i tink we went at the wrong time liao. LOL. after tat went to tm to shop shop. saw engteck and gang dere too. after shopping until 4 den we go hm liao. hmms. gonna watch kungfu panda nex fri or sat ! cant wait !! :PDear ! ily !! xD* my dreams_
11:42 PM