Saturday, June 30, 2007
went to sch for C.I.P project todae. mr anwar briefed us on greeting the residents all tat and we setted off for the blocks to distribute the flyers. my group members are nicholas , huayu , weisiong , andre and stella. we went to block 725 to distribute the flyers. the four boys went together to the 15th floor while stella and i went to the 6th floor. at first we were fine wif speaking to the residents. but slowly , stella started to greet good afternoon instead of good morning. and her voice was trembling as well. so we swopped speeches. i greet the residents, tell dem which sch we were from and wad we were doin at block 725 while stella continues to explain the reason y we were dere. after finish distributing the flyers , both of us went down to the first floor to wait for the guys. unexpectedly , only weisiong and andre came dwn. huayu and nicholas was nt wif dem. the four of dem had separated into two groups. we went to inform the councillors doin duty arnd blk 725 and went to search for huayu and nicholas. we cld nt find the two of dem despite searching the whole block. so we decided to go to west plaza to see if dey were dere. surprisingly, dey were not dere. so we went back to sch. and guess wad ? both of dem were back in sch. " !#%&^$@ " wth lorhhs. dey didnt wait for us den come back by themselves. made us run arnd the whole block 725 and west plaza jus to find dem sia. den in the end dey were back by themselves. went to whitesands wif sharry and stella after being dismissed. den we saw meihua and tzeai at the passageway outside whitesands. so the three of us decided to go walk walk wif both of dem. but in the end we went to take neoprints instead. stella didnt take wif us. its quite nice taking neoprints wif meihua and tzeai :D the way they decorate the neoprints was veri nice. i like it alot(: nex we went KFC to eat lunch. and i waited for a pathetic shrooms burger for bout 15mins. den we went home after eating. stella came to my house. we watched " Just Follow Law " and she went home at 4.30. its quite fun goin out wif meihua and tzeai. both of dem are veri funny(: thats all bout my day. will blog again(:
Neoprints taken todae ! :P
* my dreams_
10:41 PM
Friday, June 29, 2007
as usual , went dwn to quadrangle for morning assembly. after tat was eng lesson. quite boring. miss lim went through tips for oral exam again. nex was maths. mr ves went through the wksht on using elimination method to eliminate simulteneous equations and taught us the substitution method. 2 periods passed and nex was history lesson. mdm zubaidah go through the textbook wif us and highlighted many things. den we go for recess. had a councillor meeting after recess again and missed 1 period of literature. after literature was science. chapter 7 again. made alot of noise and mr lim was unable to teach. den was journal nex. miss fu took the class and told us to write our journal on the topic " what did i do during the June holidays ". wrote a veri long one. 1 and one quarter page. after tat went to take bus 3 to mrt. saw meihua and tzeai in the mrt(: went to play maple wif sharry and aikwei at 2.30. we wanted to find the way to walk to ludi frm korean folk town but aikwei and i ended up dying wen we were exploring. :P after walking back and forth for bout 5 times , sharry found out the way to walk frm orbis to ludi. clever sharry :D den went to train. sharry went offline at 5 and i went to meet nicholas's bro at clocktower. train for a while den logged out as i nid to go out for dinner. alrights. tink i'll stop here. getting sleepy. my eyelids are dropping dwn soon. hav to wake up at 7 tml as i nid to go back to sch for C.I.P. will blog soon(: * my dreams_
10:42 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
sch was real fun todae(: went dwn to the quadrangle for morning assembly as usual. after tat had PC lesson. but bcos of the councillor meeting, i miss some part of the lesson. wen i was back , the word " Dating " was on the board and i was like " dating ? y teach bout dating during PC ? ". :P den had mother tongue lesson. sharry didnt come to sch todae . so its damn boring witout hearing her chattings since she sits bside mie. had alot of copying and reading done. nex was CME. did not write anytink and all we do was listening to miss lim. she told us that she wans to hav three kids after she got married(: at first she wanted 1 child only , but her husband-to-be objected. he said tat if dey got one child only , tat child will not noe hw to care and share. however , miss lim said this : " if tats the case , then how come one of my students who is the only child knows how to care and share? " den she revealed to the class tat im the only child. she said tat frm the way i interact wif her , its as though i've got many siblings. wen she said this, my mind was questioning myself : " where got ? am i really tat caring and did i really share my things wif my fwens ? ". i was abit surprised and embarrassed at tat time. she told the class tat she may be helping her fwen in a special sch. hmms , i wonder if i could go along too. i wanted to see how the tchrs are teaching in the special sch , get a chance to communicate wif the children and learn sign languages. :D after tat was recess. after recess was F&N. phew , luckily miss wong didnt let us do the presentation but let us finish our research instead. i was worried tat my group might get scolded for nt finding the points needed for the presentation. thanks miss wong ! you are great(: after tat was geography. mrs menon was not here. so a relief tchr took over the class. handed in the newspaper scrapbook and chatted wif stella. the last lesson of the day was science. as usual, mr lim taught chapter 7. the bell rang at 1.30 and went to eat lunch wif stella, melissa bestie and suiling after goin lockers. went to foyer to gather and get ready to go to the Singapore Indoor Stadium to watch the " SYF Opening Ceremony Preview " at 1.50. we reached the stadium at arnd 3. den saw many students frm other schools. den had to wait for a long time before goin into the stadium and dere was damn hot lorhhs. finally get to go inside the stadium at 3.30. the preview started at 4. the whole show was fantastic. i like it very much. went to wait for the bus to come and fetch us at 6. waited for 1 and a half hours den the bus came. wth larhhs. the bus driver took the wrong badge of students and den came back for us. it was fun inside the bus. junior melvin was veri playful and made alot of noise in the bus. finally we reached sch. took cab to tampines blk 802 to meet parents and their fwens and ate dinner. after tat went home to shower and den do maths. overall , sch was fun todae. guess i'll stop here. will blog again(:* my dreams_
9:35 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
helos ! came to blog again(: didnt blog for a week alrdy. cos all the time was used up for doin hmwk and watching " corner with love " DVD borrowed frm my aunt. the show was veri nice. i was addicted to the last episode(: sch is starting tml. can see all my classmates again ! miss all my fwens. xD but dere is F&N tml too. hope the class wont get scolded by miss wong. she is actually a nice tchr. but she gets veri scary wen she is scolding ppl. hmms. hope tml will b a fun and nice dae in sch. quite getting forward to goin sch tml. im bored stucking at hm doin all the holidae hmwk. alrights , i tink i will stop here. will blog soon(:
tis is the show that im watching throughout the whole june holidaes(:* my dreams_
8:57 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
helos ! im back frm malacca(: so todae , im going to blog bout my camp in malacca. Day 1 : went to sch at 6.15 and reached dere at 6.30 . after filling up the white card and the briefings by the tchrs , we setted off for tuas checkpoint at 7. mdm sahrul , mrs khiu and mr tharman were the tchrs hu were goin wif us. the whole bus journey was bout 1 hr and we arrived dere at arnd 7.50 . den we went to sit another coach to malacca. the bus journey was arnd 3hrs. whhoas . all of us sat until the chair was veri hot. xD in the bus , the tour guide was blabbering away. we reached the resort at arnd 12+. we went inside the lobby and mdm sahrul gave us our room keys. nisha , seeyu , melissa and i shared the same room. the four of us went inside and unpacked our stuffs. the toilet was veri small. at 3 oclock , we went to the lobby to meet the rest of the councillors and the tchrs. after tat all of us went to visit a typical malacca house and Hang Tuah's Well at Kampung Duyung. after visiting both places , we went for a bus tour of Air Keroh District. at 5.30 , we were back at the resort. we went back to our rooms to wash up and get ready for dinner. at 7.30 , we attended a workshop. it was veri fun and all of us enjoyed ourselves very much. the workshop ended at 10 , the rest of the councillors and tchrs went back to their rooms to sleep while nisha , seeyu , melissa and i went back to our room to shower. nisha was the first to shower. wen she was about to go into the bathroom , she saw a big " daddy's long legs " spider wif its web hanging on the ceiling. the four of us screamed at first. luckily , seeyu was clever and brave enuf to use the hose in the bathroom to splash the spider's web. the spider dropped dwn and seeyu quickly sprayed the water on the spider until it stop moving. xD den nisha went in to shower. nex was seeyu's turn to shower. nothing was goin on wen seeyu was showering. melissa was nex to shower. wen she was showering , a lizard came into the bathroom frm the window. at first the lizard was nt moving , so melissa ignored it. but it began to move towards melissa after a few seconds. melissa screamed and quickly wore her clothes. she ran out of the bathroom and told us to look into it. we saw the lizard and screamed too. jus then , mdm sahrul called. she told us tat she could hear us screaming opposite the tchrs' room. we told her tat dere was a lizard in the bathroom and she sent mr tharman over. mr tharman was very funny. he used the broken handle which was use to hang our towels to shoo the lizard into the dustbin. wen he came out of the bathroom wif the dustbin in his hands , the four of us jumped onto the bed. xD after mr tharman went out of the room , i went in to shower. dere was no problem and i showered quickly. den we went to sleep. Day 2 : woke up at 6.30 and went to eat breakfast at 8. after breakfast , we went to pack up and checked out at 10. den went to visit more places of interests of malacca and went for lunch at 12.30. nex we went to check in at Mahkota Hotel and continued to visit other places of interests. at 4+ , we went to Mahkota Parade to shop for souvenirs. and guess wad ? my slipper broke wen i was walking halfway ! mdm sahrul accompanied mie to buy a new slipper. i bought a pink one(: it cost RM12.90 and mdm sahrul paid RM3.00 while i paid the rest. den we went to hav our dinner. after dinner , we went back to the hotel, wash up and get ready for the workshop. the workshop ended at 9. all of us went back to our rooms. like Day 1 , nisha , seeyu , melissa and i went back to our room to shower. at arnd 10.30 pm , brian and sai kiat came to our room for our " mini party ". andy and ryan did not come. we ate chocolates and titbits bought frm the Mahkota Parade wen we were shopping. we tok alot and we gossiped bout the tour guide. the 6 of us dun really like the tour guide. even andy and ryan too. as midnight was reaching , sai kiat and brian went back to their room. the four of us cleared the food and went to sleep at 12+. Day 3 : woke up at 6.30 and went for breakfast at 8. went back to room to pack things , checked out at 9.30 and went to the bus. the malay girls were not dere yet , so we have to wait. while waiting , seeyu remembered tat she left her chocolate in the hotel room. so she and nisha went to take. wen both of dem were back , the malay girls were still not here yet. at arnd 11+ , the girls finally came. i slept throughout the journey. the bus arrived at the malaysia checkpoint arnd 1+. we went back to the bus after goin through the checkpoint. den we headed to singapore tuas custom. we reached the custom at 3. dere is a police in front of the scanning machine. melissa and i showed our bubble gums to him after crossing the scanning machine. to our surprise , the police let us bring the bubble gums back home ! (: while waiting for the bus to come , all of us called home. den the bus arrived. we went up and set off for siglap sec. during the journey , nisha , seeyu and saikiat were busy taking pics wif brian , melissa and mie. its veri fun sia. (: den we chewed on bubblegums too. xD finally we reached siglap sec . mdm sahrul briefed us on the homework she had given us and we went home. my dad came to fetch mie ! xD tats all bout my camp in malacca larhhs . the whole trip was veri fun and i enjoyed myself veri much especially during the " mini party " organised by seeyu in our room in Mahkota Hotel. (: i hope the sch will organise these camp again. okie , i will stop here nw. will upload pics of my fwens and i in malacca in the nex post. (:
* my dreams_
11:02 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
todae , family members frm both my father's and mother's side came to my house for house warming. at arnd 5+ , everyone came . the whole house was veri crowded and my room was packed wif ppl frm my mother's side . my cousins came too . cousin denise was playing com while i was playing wif cousin megan. megan made my bed until veri messy as she was jumping on it. at 7.30 , all of us went dwn to a restaurant for dinner. we ate quite alot and went home at arnd 9+ . family members frm my dad's side came to my hse after the dinner. my dad played the harry potter movie and everyone sat dwn to watch. soon , everyone went home. i enjoyed todae veri much although its kinda boring . but wif my cousins arnd , im nt tat bored anymore(: im goin to malacca frm 11 to 13 june for a councillor training . so i will not b online in msn for these 3 daes . alright , i tink i'll stop here . nid to go and slp alrdy . will blog bout my trip in malacca wen i come back(:* my dreams_
7:33 AM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
hello ! back to bloggin(: went to tampines mall to watch MEN IN WHITE todae . reached dere at bout 12+ den went mcdonalds to meet stella , sharry , aikwei and jingming . nex we went to buy the tickets. as we still have an hour more bfore the movie starts , sharry and i went to century square der aries to shop . sharry bought earrings while i bought a necklace(: after tat we went back to tampines mall to buy popcorns and drinks . den we went inside the cinema. and guess hu we saw inside ? its yilin and fwens ! woos~! didnt noe tat dey were dere to watch too(: soon , the movie started . the movie turned out to b veri funny instead of scary. all of us were laughing away crazily. xD the movie ended at arnd 3.30 . went to the washroom after coming out frm the cinema and headed home . i did not take the mrt home. i took bus 3 wif sharry dey all and went to take bus 17 home after alighting at the same stop as dem. jingming and aikwei accompanied mie to wait for the bus. thank you worhhs(: had an enjoyable dae watching MEN IN WHITE . hope to watch it in the cinema again soon :D i guess i'll stop here bahhs . will blog again soon(:* my dreams_
6:53 PM