Thursday, May 31, 2007
helos ! finally came to blog(: the holidaes are here ! yipee ! xD although i've got a long holidae to go , but i dun feel like a holidae at all. tchrs r dumping us wif loads of hmwk. well , we r having streaming tis year. so i guess the tchrs dumped us all these hmwk r for our own good . (: hmms , i've gotten back my report book too. Level Position : 54 / 117 . Class Position : 17 / 39 . bleahs , these results r a little too low lerhs . can do beta nex time . but , at the least i'm in the top 20 in class(: hope to " squeeze " into top ten the nex round . alrights , so much bout sch . lets tok bout the past few daes of holidae. hmm , stella n aikwei had been coming to my hse oftenly these daes. i guess stella really like my house veri much. =X hav been sticking to the com watching DVDs lately. duno wad had happened to mie. suddenly felt like watching all the shows tat i had bought last time. sharry came to my house to do the geography project yesterdae. and guess wad , my room was in a total mess ! haha. hmm , i guess i've got no more else to sae liao. will blog soon(: * my dreams_
11:54 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
came to blog again(: sch was fun todae . especially durin PE. we played floorball wif the sec ones and we won in the end. yipee ! xD after PE was science. mr lim let us copy the section B of mid year exam paper de answers. wen he wanted to teach the bell rang liao. so he didnt teach anytink todae(: after recess was geography. at first i thought mrs menon was goin to teach the class , but in the end she didnt turned up and a tchr brought us to the geography room to watch " Lord Of The Rings ". the disc was pirated one and it kept stopping halfway during the show. & i dun like the tchr. she pulled a few girls in the middle of the show to " help " her do sometinks . stella and mie were dragged into it as well. do quite alot of things lar . fold tis fold tat cut tis cut tat der. and all she does was ordering us arnd . GTH lar she. treat us like servants sia. " we are not here to be your servants ! we are here to study ! " humph . dun wanna tok more bout it . nex was maths lesson. mr ves was not here. so a relief tchr took the class and gave us 2 crossword puzzles to do. yay ! jennifer was the first to complete both of it . nex was sharry and followed by mie(: the last lesson for the dae was english. as usual , miss lim gave us a few worksheets and told us to do it . the 1.30 bell rang and we went to meet mdm shadir and the juniors at the enterprise table to plan for sunday's carnival after going to the lockers. we are opening the enterprise cafe during the carnival on sundae. so we had to stay back tml to do the banners and decorations for the cafe . tats bout my dae in sch i guess . will blog soon(: * my dreams_
7:47 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
at last got time to blog liaos(: hav been playing maple lately. duno wads gotten into mie . i was wondering if im addicted to maple again like last time . i dun tink i can play evlidae lerhs cos i tio scolding by parents liao . xD sian la , im like a person wif a blank mind if i didnt play maple. but nvrmind , i still got battleon ( its lame i noe) . although nt many ppl play it these daes , but i still enjoyed playing it. x) alrights , so much bout games. back to the topic on sch. sch was okie todae . jus tat had a little less laughter den usual cos leechye didnt come over to sit at hazwan's place. if he did , he will sure to "fight" wif adriel, making stella and mie laugh until stomachache. second tot i tink im the only 1 laughing at dem bahs. -.-''' im a bit crazy these daes. -.- so dun mind mie xD as usual , had morning assembly at the quadrangle. but went back to class immediately after the national anthem and all those stuffs as its starting to rain liao. had art lesson after tat. we got back our exam work pieces. i got 58% only nia. pathetic sia. i colour until wan to die still get so lan der marks. haiz . my art really sarks like hell though i went for art classes wen i was young. guess im nt gifted in art bahhs. sadded): nex was music. had no gamelan lessons as both instructors are not free. so stay in class and chit chat wif sharry. xD we tok bout maple and other stuffs. den stella suddenly pull my arm and started to count "a , b , c , d , .... " using her thumb. she said the letter which stops at ur joints betwin ur hands and arms will b the first letter of ur future husband or wife's job. sounds rather awkward but interesting. so we started playing tis so call " test" and guess wads the first letter i got ? " R" was it . and dey name it repairman. diaos . i den dun wan a husband hu is a repairman . x) the second letter was "S" and dey name it scientist. woo~ sounds great to have a scientist husband. xD had a lot of fun playing tat larhhs. after recess was FnN. sian la. nw its my turn to suffer liao. nid to do alot researches and wadever stuffs. dun wann tok bout it. bleahhs. den it was literature. mrs goh went through the "wrinkle in time" storybk. i kinda like the story. quite interesting to read it. (: had history lesson nex. yawnz . history lesson is quite boring todae . had alot of copying done . copy until my hands pain sia. finally it was 1.30. went for detention duty after lunch. nt many ppl was dere to serve detention. so got no problem handling dem(: i fell asleep while doin duty lehhs. i gt nth to do while waiting for time to pass mahh , so take out wrinkle in time to read lorhhs. den read until halfway fell asleep liaos. xD went to white sands wif melissa after duty to grab a bite at old chang kee. den went home after tat. tats all bout todae . yipee ! deres CO tml ! so have to bring dizi back to sch liaos(: tink i stop here bahhs. nid to go liao. will post soon(:* my dreams_
10:32 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
sch was fun todae . had morning flag raising in the morning in the classroom as usual . den had morning reading until 8.05 . after tat was maths . the tchr teaching us is not mr ves and the tchr didnt come todae . so the relief tchr brought us to the com lab for half an hour . we can play games leh ! woo~ ! the class was well behaved in the com lab xD half an hour ltr , we went back to class. the relief tchr stayed in class until 9.30. btwin 9 to 9.30, leechye came to sit in front of mie which is hazwan's place. i was laughing away for the whole half an hour. leechye kip wanting to hit adriel and the whole commotion was so funny. nex was history lesson. mdm zubaidah go through the MCQ of the mid year exam paper wif us and told us tat she is quite pleased wif the class's results and told us to kip it up. (: after recess was CME. miss lim went through the eng file and copied a recipe. leechye was still sitting in front of mie and still playing wif adriel. cant stand the two of dem. dey r making mie laugh until stomachache. stella and mie kept playing wif adriel's hair during CME(: his hair is veri nice to play wif lorhs xD after tat was science lesson. yuhoo~! science lesson was so fun todae. the whole class formed 2 long rows using our tables and chairs. mr lim was angry and told alif to tell us to move back to orignal arrangement or else have to stay back. but in the end also nvr stay back. had copying of the answers of our mid year exam paper for the whole science lesson . at last it was 1.30 . went to CO after eating lunch. im not goin to sae wad happened during CO liao. it makes mie kinda furious thinking of it. my dad came to fetch mie after CO ! yipee ! dun nid to take mrt alone liao(: tats all for the dae i guess. (:* my dreams_
7:47 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
hellos ! back to bloggin again(: exams are finally over ! yipee ! xD todae, we got back all our exam papers. i passed my maths ! at last i passed my maths. i dun wan to fail anymore. had enuf of failing liaos. i got B3 for my MT. wth lor. i wonder hu was the marker of our paper. mark until so messy and untidy. we cant even read the marks she gave us for each question, & her markings are nt only untidy but also veri big. mark until so big for wad ? we can c de mar. xD anyways, i failed my goegraphy and i failed my history by 1 mark. !!!!!! at the least i didnt get F9 for history. i have decided to take history wif social studies nex year. i wan to take BIOLOGY nex year ! but i have to work veri hard for the end year exams so tat i can go into 3e3 nex year. haiz ... i like biology alot . i hope to learn biology. but looking frm my mid year results, i dun tink i can get into 3e3. tink i mus work veri veri hard liao. tats all i guess. takecares(: * my dreams_
7:20 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
hellos ! came to blog again(: tis time im bloggin at my new hse . finally moved to my new hse lerhs. woke up at 7+ todae . at 9+, the workers frm movers company came to move my furnitures to my new hse.. dey wrap all the furnitures wif some kind of aluminium foil . the way they wrapped the furnitures r like so proffessional lorhs . took less den 1 minute to wrap a tv sia . the whole wrappin and shifting of furnitures and boxes took about an hour plus . after tat my dad drove his taxi to our new hse at bedok. a while ltr the furnitures came . wif the boxes and furnitures, the whole apartment shrank . i was perspiring away in my room as i unpacked the boxes . my room is so stuffy wif all the boxes inside . i realized tat i got alot of things wen i was unpacking my stuffs . sianz.. still got alot more boxes for mie to unpack . guess i'll spent the whole dae unpacking dem tml. hope stella can come and stay over at my hse among the june holidaes . xD she was planning to come and stay overnight. hahax :D uh-oh ! suddenly remembered tat i still have art prepatory to b completed. beta go now. will blog again . takecares(:* my dreams_
3:50 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
hellos ! back to blogging ! im having exams tml and i still can blog.. bleahs.. =P anyways.. i haven blog for a few daes.. so im here to update.. =X jus helped sharry and stella to change thier blogskins.. both are veri nice.. but still prefer my own one.. xD i'll stop here lerhs.. will blog again.. takecares(:* my dreams_
5:40 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
helos ! came to blog again(: sch was quite fun todae.. had no PE in the morning ! yipee ! the relief teacher allowed us to change back into our uniform.. after changing, went to sit wif sharry.. huayu, nicholas, keng guan and wei siong was sitting arnd her too.. adriel was nt dere as he did not come to sch todae.. ): huayu was a bit sicko.. he took the scissors and wanted to cut his wrist.. eew.. so disgusting.. stella came to sit bside mie a while ltr.. tok to her as usual.. we laughed and hummed the songs played in CO.. after a while sharry joined us in the humming (: weisiong dey all sae we gone crazy lerhs.. dey are the ones hu had gone crazy instead bahs.. xD after tat had science lesson.. mr lim gave us back both the test and retest he gave us last week.. i scored 15.5 over 20 for my retest ! tats a bit too lousy although its A1 after converting into %.. =X but i tot i wld get higher.. sadded): mr lim also gave us back our common test.. i am very satisfied wif my common test score lorh.. 42/50 lehhs ! tats the best mark i scored for science in my whole study life seh.. i didnt do so well in primary sch and sec 1 lorhs.. i was so surprised wen i saw the marks last time.. xD after recess was MT.. did the usual stuff.. tchr go through bout 3 chapters in textbook den class over liao.. so fast.. nex was maths.. mr ves didnt teach as most of the class didnt do the revision wksht he gave on mon.. den he told the class to finish it up & tat took 1hr which ended the lesson.. last period was english.. yawnz.. todae's english lesson was a boring one.. miss lim went through the steps for letter writing wif us.. had alot of copying done.. den at last it was 1.30.. rushed to the locker and went up to AVA room for geography remedial.. it was also a boring lesson.. mrs menon was busy writing down the exam format and exam tips while the class was throwing paper balls away.. after tat mrs menon started to explain the exam format.. sharry took tzeai's fone and on songs.. but cld nt hear the songs properly as mrs menon was speaking very loudly in the microfone.. at 2.40, the remedial ended.. sharry went Door B to find mr ves while stella and i went to canteen to have our lunch.. after tat went up to find sharry.. she was sitted bside mr ves and he was teaching sharry.. den i spotted alex studying at a corner.. i went to tok to her and she told mie alot bout biology.. tats my favourite subject ! (: i was so interested in her tokings tat i almost forgotten bout sharry.. after a while, i went back to whr sharry was sitting.. mr ves was teaching sharry in chinese.. he sounds weird speaking chinese.. hahax.. we went off a while ltr.. while walking dwn the stairs sharry, stella and mie were laughing away at mr ves as he sounds very odd in chinese.. we laughed and laughed all the way to bus stop.. (we are crazy sumtimes =.=''') bus 358 came five minutes ltr.. and guess wad.. the bus had no air-con ! wth.. we are so suay nwadaes.. den stella and mie alighted at 7-eleven dere as stella wanted to buy her top-up card.. after tat i went home.. at 6+, i went to my new hse at Bedok.. wen i reached dere, i was so shocked to c tat the whole hse is so beautiful.. the walls are nicely painted and the window panels are blue in colour.. my room is bigger than my parents' room ! whhoas.. now i cant wait to move into my new hse liaos.. hehhehx.. anyways im moving on the 12 of may.. its only a week more.. yay ! i tink i'll stop here lerhhs.. takecares(:* my dreams_
6:02 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
arrlows.. back to post again(: time was speeding away todae.. woke up at 10+ den played maple frm 11+ to 1.30.. after tat do maths hmwk.. i duno hw to do some of the questions ! shucks lar.. well, nvm.. sianz.. nid to go sch tml.. and dere is PE tml too.. i dun like PE ! i didnt went out todae.. i stayed at home the whole dae.. but didint feel bored at all.. cos gt things to do marhs.. xD hmms.. still got wad arr? haiyo.. forgotten liao.. tink i stop here ba.. really got nth to sae lerhs.. (tis the shortest post i ever posted =X) takecares(:* my dreams_
5:04 AM