Saturday, December 18, 2010
The term break has finally arrived, after much awaiting ! xD My life suddenly become so packed & bombarded by tests & projects before the term break started. After we finished our quizzes, we had to prepare for our term tests & had no time to have a break at all. ): However, early preparations really did help me much though, although I'm not really confident in passing 2 of my subjects. :D Nevertheless, I still hope that I can pass everything. (: Even though its the term break/holidays now & we may be free of tests, projects are still clinging onto us. The number of projects clinging onto me is not 1 or 2, but 4 ! -.- Well, all term breaks are the same, with projects interfering in each time & spoil our mood for the holidays. ): Anyways, let's forget about the holiday spoilers temporary, & enjoy our holidays for a little while ! :D Speaking of holidays, Christmas day is coming soon & I'm quite looking forward to it as my Secondary School close friends & I are gathering together at LJM's house to celebrate Christmas ! Besides, I'm going to Orchard Road with my Poly friends on one of the days next week to celebrate Christmas & see the lightings there as well ! :D I hope that I can really enjoy & relax myself this Christmas as I'm really stressed out during the school term ! ^^
I don't think I'll be blogging again until the next holiday as firstly, my school days are really busy & I'm also tired from all the studying even if I have free time & secondly, my blog has no visitors. ): Regardless, I'll try to blog again during this term break, most probably blogging about Christmas. (: So that's all for this post. Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas to everyone ! ^^
* my dreams_
7:28 AM
Saturday, November 06, 2010
It's been two weeks since Semester 1.2 started & all I can say is, TIRING ! I thought the timetable will be less hectic than last semester's but I was completely wrong. Lessons for the whole week started at 9 & ended between 5 to 7, which consist of 2 days ending at 7. -.- The only day that my lessons end the earliest is Tuesday, which is until 1pm. :D The timetable is so packed until that our breaks were shortened or even none for one whole day. Besides the timetable, the subjects that we are taking are also much more difficult & we need to take 2 Cross-Disciplinary Subjects (CDS) as well. Its a no wonder that our timetable is so hectic & that's the reason why I said that our studying hours are longer than sleeping hours ! Okay okay, enough about the hectic timetable. :P For the 2 CDS I'm taking, I'm glad & happy that I managed to get into Japanese & Music. I'm interested in both of these & I hope I will be able to pass easily as the requirement for CDS is only a pass. :D Anyways, I think I'm still in the holiday mood or something as I haven't been managing my time well. Everyday when I return from school, I hogged onto my laptop for a longer time than doing revision. I just hope that I will return to the study mood really really soon as there is no time to waste. Although I don't have the mood to do revision when I return from school, I still feel quite stressed. Contradicting isn't it ? xD That's all for this post. Will blog again when I'm free. :D
* my dreams_
10:48 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Hihi I'm here to blog again, finally ! Chalet was fun & all of us enjoyed ourselves very much as more people came for the BBQ this time. :D The exam results were out as well & I'm glad that I passed everything, even HAP which I had the least confidence ! xD But I'm a little disappointed with my grades for MathsStat & PIPC1 as I thought that I would score better. I'm also quite unsatisfied with my GPA as it was lower den I had expected. :| Anyways, I'll try my best to do better & improve my GPA for Semester 2, since my Care Person said that it will be easier than Semester 1. :D Stella, AikWei & Stella's third sister came to my house yesterday. Stella's third sister intended to come here to study but ended up getting distracted by us. :P Meanwhile, Stella & I wanted to try making puddings again but it still failed, like the previous time we made. xD The puddings were gooey & very sticky too. :P I thought that we will succeed this time but we did not. I guess we have to drop the idea of making puddings & think of another one. Hmm, cookies maybe ? But I'm not sure if my convection oven is able to reach the temperature for baking cookies .. No harm giving it a try though .. ^^ Hopefully we can bake some cookies & share it with our friends & family, before the vacations end. :D That's all for this post, will blog again when I'm free. xD * my dreams_
6:26 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Went to LJM's house to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival today with Stella, AikWei, YiZhen, Suzie & LJM. Brian did not joined us as he was busy with his family. We played with candles & some sparklers under LJM's block, which we had a lot of fun while playing. xD Stella took many photos of us & the candles we played with too. :D Before we started playing with the candles, all of us charged towards the outside of 7-11 to take some unwanted cardboards. Suzie kept saying that we looked like beggars snatching for food when we were taking the cardboards. :P We went home after an hour plus as it was getting late but there were still many people playing & carrying lanterns at the park behind LJM's block. The park looks like it was glowing due to the lanterns & candles. What an unforgettable scene ! ^^ I can't wait for the chalet with my Secondary School close friends although it is just next week ! I bet it will be fun although not many people will be staying ! xD I think I'll stop here for now. Will blog about the chalet after I return. ^^ * my dreams_
10:18 AM
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hihi people ! I'm here to blog finally, & its on the last day of August. :P Went to SSS to help SSCO perform for Teachers' Day concert today. The hall was very hot & stuffy as the place wasn't very big & students of all 5 levels + teachers + performers were all packed inside. SSCO was assigned to the right side of the stage & we couldn't really see the performance as we were being blocked by the curtains. I don't know why the people controlling backstage had to open the curtains to 3/4 instead of full. -.- So while waiting for our turn to perform, all the members shifted to the side that has a good view of the stage & the whole CO suddenly become all packed together at a side. xD Although we got to watch the concert by sharing seats & even sitting on the piano for some, the concert wasn't really nice as the music played from the speaker was too loud & the music that some small band groups played was too ear piercing. Maybe its because I'm not used to listening to rock music which those small band groups played. xP After the performance, Stella & me went to second floor to find LJM & AikWei. I met quite a few teachers & chatted with them before heading for lunch at West Plaza. So .. Happy Teachers' Day to all the teachers !!! :D
Miss Wee !!!!! She came to give Stella & me a hug when I saw her at the corridor with some of her current students after Stella & I took our belongings at the Learning Center. At first I wanted to just wave to her since she was busy but she came out of the crowd & gave us a hug instead. ^^ This was the 2nd hug I got from Miss Wee & the 1st one was yesterday, when I came back for rehearsal. The members & I went to the store room for our instruments on the 4th floor & just nice, Miss Wee was having consultation in the class beside the store room. So I went to peep into the class & one of her students said: "Miss Wee, your ex-student is outside !". To my surprise, she stopped what she was doing & welcomed me with a big hug. :D She is such a nice & loving teacher & I think I will miss her after today. :X
* my dreams_
7:28 AM
Friday, August 13, 2010
THANK YOU to all who wished me happy birthday, regardless through SMS, facebook or even face to face !!! (: Special thanks to JinYee & HuanMin (my 2 dearest buddies !!), HuiCong (big sister !), Felicia (felly ~) & Vadhana (font~) for giving me a surprise mini birthday celebration in school ! :DDD Oh & not forgetting Cheryl, Rennie & Cindy too. :P Thanks for all your birthday presents ! I appreciate all of them very much !! xD Many many hearts to all of you !!! ^^
To JinYee & HuanMin: My 2 dearest & lovely buddies ! Thank you for giving me an unforgettable birthday celebration ! In my 16 years of life, today is the first time that I celebrated my birthday with my friends in school ! I love the presents that both of you gave me, especially the Karter & Eugene birthday card that JinYee made personally ! I will treasure them ! ^^
To HuiCong: Big sister ! Thanks for the birthday cake ! Its okie that you didn't get me a birthday present. The cake is already enough ! :D
Last but not least, to LJM: Thank you for calling me at 12 midnight of 13 August to wish me ! I'm still waiting for my birthday present ! Hehe :P ILY ~ !
* my dreams_
9:24 AM
Monday, August 09, 2010
8 August 2010 - the day of my cousin's wedding. ^^ Went to my big aunt's house in the morning as her son was the groom & my parents need to be present for the tea ceremony. After the groom & bride served tea to the elders, my another cousin & I served tea to the newlywed as we were younger than them. They even gave us a red packet ! (woots ~ !) :P This was the first time that I'm involved in a tea ceremony & I'm super excited when I was reaching my aunt's house. Hehe. :X The whole house was super duper crowded, stuffy + hot when the groom & bride was around & both of them were like superstars of the day as the cameraman kept shooting them. :D The wedding dinner at night was very simple but very nice ! The decorations & even food were nice, except for the place that was slightly small as it seemed to be a small function room. The funniest part of the wedding dinner was during the signing ceremony. The signing person-in-charge thought that my cousin wasn't paying attention to him as my cousin had a kiddy look & he asked " hey groom are you listening or not ?", which made everybody laughed. They played 2 videos near the end of the wedding dinner & I liked the one that showed all their wedding photos. Its just sooooo sweet ! xD
Hey cousin gor gor, congratulations !! May you live in bliss with your wife ! :D Must take good care of jiejie & treasure her hor ! :X
Sneak peek of the newlywed ! :D
* my dreams_
7:24 AM